Workshop on writing EU projects was held in Rijeka Start-up Incubator

Objavljeno: 12. May 2017.

On Thursday, May 11th 2017., we held a workshop in Rijeka Start-up Incubator where the manager of INO-PRO is a mentor. As we announced earlier, we offered consulting services in the field of project writing. In that direction, we have signed a contract with the Business Unit of Rijeka  to hold a workshop entitled "Applying a project idea to an EU funding contest - case workshop".

The workshop lasted for three hours from 17:00 to 20:00 and it consisted of two parts:

  • Part One: In general about EU funds, where to find them and how to sign up together with a detailed overview of applicants' guidelines (including problem tree, target tree and logical matrix)
  • Part Two: An overview of questions and possible responses in application forms A and B and drafting of the project budget


The workshop was attended by nine participants of Start-up Incubators who planned to embark on their own entrepreneurial venture. The workshop was very interesting and useful to them with regard to the evaluation forms that we enclose below:
