An agreement was concluded with the company Proficiens Ltd. about using their LMS platforms for the purpose of organization and implementation of online education courses. During a two-year subscription will be able to create up to 50 courses and offer them to interested parties. The target groups are organizations who want to improve their business and learn how and in which competition to apply.
The annual competition plan from the state budget and EU funds contains a list of 93 programs for grant projects and programs of civil society organizations in 2016 by 21 government bodies. The amount of over 985 million kuna from the state budget, part of the revenues from games of chance and funds the EU, plans to finance and co-finance more than 6300 programs and projects of civil society organizations in the areas of prevention of violence among children and youth, the fight against addiction, social services, volunteering , education, sports, culture, social entrepreneurship, environment and nature protection, agriculture, tourism and other areas of interest for the common good.
INO-PRO is planning by September to create two online training programs which will be aimed at obtaining funds from the state budget and EU funds intended exclusively for organizations of civil society.
Upon successful completion of training which includes tasks with our feedback, organizations will be certified by INO-PRO.