Approved project by the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs

Objavljeno: 15. March 2019.

On March 14, 2019, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Affairs issued a Decision on granting financial support to project applicants from the area of ​​Information on EU - consultation with citizens for the purpose of granting financial support in 2018. The project of our association called The Educational Portal for the European Union for students and teachers was approved in the total requested amount and its value was 43.970 kn. is an educational portal about the European Union aimed at pupils and teachers of elementary schools of the Republic of Croatia. It is an inexcusable solution that will surely come across widely in the European schools of the 21st century, which will also fill the existing gap in media and school textbooks on European issues. Portal design will include geography and history professors with many years of experience in teaching and with relevant experience in government bodies regarding European funds such as the Interreg program with Slovenia and Italy where the authors of this project are included as members of the Monitoring Committee by 2020. Furthermore, considering the fact that portal authors and school teachers themselves are, we can safely say that the project results will reach the maximum number of end-users who are students and teachers of all primary schools in the Republic of Croatia (865 schools). Also, both authors will hold lectures at the county councils of geography and history in Zadar and Primorje-Gorski Kotar County.

The lack of systematic study of European themes in Croatian schools, with only one teaching unit in the curriculum of geography and history, is truly a defeating fact. Croatia has been a full-fledged member for over five years, after a ten-year challenging accession process, and as it is the most powerful economy of the world that opens up numerous doors through Croatia through its structural and investment funds, we believe that through an online educational portal that contains all relevant information, , teaching and teacher training topics, and entertainment animations and graphic material, we can give you a better understanding of European themes and places that Croatia occupies in Europe.

The objectives of the project are:

- informing the younger population about the European Union and the opportunities it provides

- Training of geography teachers and history of lecturing European topics by giving them a handful of teaching materials for work

- dissemination of project results in 865 elementary schools of the Republic of Croatia

- Encouraging a healthy competitive spirit among schools by including on-line knowledge checking and rewarding the best public awareness and awarding recognition by the association annually

- Establishing a modern educational web portal with constantly updated data that would become the starting point for the first meeting with European themes for the youngest age groups

Expected results of the project are:

- an interactive and educational website on the European Union has been developed

- Created EU quizzes, curriculum preparation, interactive animations and charts divided into four groups:

1. history of the EU

2. animations and

3. check the knowledge of the EU

4. tables and data

- 865 elementary schools in the Republic of Croatia informed about the possibilities of using the web site in teaching

- Information about future European citizens about European issues- greater involvement of Croatian educational institutions in European issues

- Increasing teaching content on the European Union


The project will be implemented from April to September 2019, and the authors are geography teachers Zvonko Bumber and Dinko Marin.